- Jul 14th – 18th, 2015
- Jul 19th – 23rd, 2016
- Jul 18th – 23rd, 2017
- Jul 17th – 21st, 2018
- Jul 16th – 20th, 2019
- Jul 14th – 18th, 2020
- Jul 19th – 23rd, 2022
- Jul 18th – 22nd, 2023
- Jul 16th – 20th, 2024
- Bull Riding
- Cowgirl's Barrel Racing
- Saddle Bronc Riding
- Steer Wrestling
- Team Roping
- Tie Down Roping
The 109th Annual Snake River Stampede will be held on Tuesday, July 16th – Saturday, July 20th, 2024 in Nampa, Idaho. This Nampa rodeo is held at Ford Idaho Center and hosted by Cervi Championship Rodeo.
The wildest, fastest show on Earth!
- Contact: Stalls
- Phone: (208) 324-1644
- Website: https://snakeriverstampede.com/schedule/
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/501525708894459
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/SnakeRiverStampede/
- Email: cervichampionshiprodeo@yahoo.com
- Website: http://cervirodeo.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CerviRodeo
- Phone: (719) 593-8840
- Website: http://www.prorodeo.com/
- Phone: (719) 447-4627
- Email: contact@wpra.com
- Website: http://www.wpra.com/
Perfs/Time: Five + Finals: July 16-19 7:30pm, July 20 12:00pm. Finals- July 20 7:30pm.
Slack: Four: July 16 after the performance; July 17 after the performance; July 18 after the performance; July 19 after the performance.
Stalls: Yes. Contact (208)324-1644.
Event / Entry Fee / Added Money:
- Playoff Series (Barrels) / $266.00 / $30000.00
Member Dues: June 18 5:00pm MT
Eligibility: All Cards/Permits.
EOO: June 21 10:00am MT
EC: June 25 10:00am MT
Ground Rules: Trade Deadline: July 10 4:00pm MT. Entry Fee $266 ($245 + $21 PROCOM fee = $266). Hand rake after each contestant. If a contestant who qualifies for the Finals notifies a turn-out, doctors release, or visible injury release through PROCOM, the contestant with the next highest ranking in the average may be placed in that available position. Non-notified turn-outs and visible injury releases after the turn-out deadline will not be replaced. If the next highest ranked contestant is not available to accept the position the next highest ranked contestant may be contacted and placed in that position.This procedure will be followed until all positions are filled. The replacement contestant's competition order will be based on her ranking in the average (not on the ranking of the contestant that she is replacing). Only actual contestant and one companion allowed gate access. All trailers must enter at Gate B, check in at Ford Idaho Center Horse Park Office for stalls and parking.no Contestants behind the chutes or roping box without proper attire. No Alcohol allowed int he arena or chute areas. Contestants to enter through Entry 5 or Entry 6 and must show their back number. contestants families will be given shuttle rides from the hospitality area to entry to event at entry 3. meet at the point
by the tent. The "Walk-Up Replacement" Policy will be in effect. This rodeo is a part of the Playoff Series.