- Jul 5th, 2025
- Sep 27th, 2025
- General: 28
- Get Tickets
Adult: $28
Children 3-17yrs: $12
Children U3yrs: Free
Family: $68 (2 Adults 2 children). Parking donation payable to SES.
- Bull Riding
- Cowgirl's Barrel Racing
- Junior Bull RIding
- Junior Steer Riding
- Novice Bull Riding
- Novice Saddle Bronc Riding
- Poddy Ride
- Saddle Bronc Riding
The Imbil Bulls, Broncs and Barrels Rodeo will be held on Saturday, July 5th, 2025 in Imbil, Queensland. This Imbil rodeo is held at Mary Valley State College.
Imbil Bull Bronc Barrels Buckle Series Round 1 has been postponed to the 18th January 2025 (due to the ongoing wet weather) and is part of a buckle series that was established in 2019 as a major fundraising event for the Mary Valley State College P&C - it has now expanded into a 3 event series raising funds for many of our not for profit community organisations within the Mary Valley.
This event raises funds specifically for the Mary Valley State College P&C and the Imbil Community Sports Club for the Tennis court redevelopment. The event is a National Rodeo Association sanctioned event and held on the Mary Valley State College Ovals, George Street, IMBIL. Honky Tonk Rodeo Promotions are the contractors for the event.
The event has lots of fun and colour for everyone with market stalls, free kids zone, Food vendors, Bar and Fireworks extravaganza. Join us for a great night of entertainment!
- Contact: Information
- Email: maryvalleypc@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.imbilbullbroncbarrels.com.au/
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/imbilbullbroncbarrels/
- Website: https://www.nationalrodeoassociation.com.au/event/?EventGroupID=73&EventID=157
8th - 9th January
This event is apart of the Imbil BBB Series as Round 1.
Bull Ride $2500 e/f $125
Saddle Ride $2000 e/f $125
Bareback Ride $1000 e/f $100
Barrel Race $1000 e/f $100
Novice Bull Ride $600 e/f $50
Novice Horse Ride $400 e/f $50
U18 Junior Barrel Race $350 e/f $30
U18 Junior Bull Ride $350 e/f $30
U15 Mini Bull Ride $200 e/f $20
7-U12 Mini Bull Ride $100 e/f $15
Juniors with one (1) parent/guardian to be free admission.
Competitor’s partner (1) to be half price admission.
Central Entries 0754 991 700 on Wednesday 8th January between 10:00am and 2:00pm and Thursday 9th January between 2:00pm and 6:00pm. Entries close Thursday 9th January 2025 at 6:00pm.