- May 10th – 11th, 2019
- May 8th – 9th, 2020
- May 7th – 8th, 2021
- May 6th – 7th, 2022
- May 12th – 13th, 2023
- May 10th – 11th, 2024
Gates open at 4pm
- General: 25/gate
- Children 4 & under: Free
- Get Tickets
$20 in Advance
$25 at the GateCHILDREN
(ages 5-12)
$15 in Advance
$20 at the Gate
Children 4 and under get in free!Free Parking
- Bareback Bronc Riding
- Breakaway Roping
- Bullriding
- Calf Roping
- Cowgirl Barrel Racing
- Saddle Bronc Riding
- Team Roping
The 27th Annual Gates County Rodeo will be held on Friday, May 10th – Saturday, May 11th, 2024 in Gates, North Carolina. This Gates rodeo is held at Gates County Arena - SloGo Ranch.
We have been providing a good 'ole Rodeo for the last twenty-two years for your family.
- Contact: Call to enter
- Phone: (337) 427-6336
- Website: https://www.gatescountyrodeo.com/
- Website: http://www.facebook.com/Gates-County-Rodeo-390323887944/
- Phone: (405) 235-6540
- Website: http://www.ipra-rodeo.com/
PERFS: One: May 12 7pm BB, SB $700 adm - $50 EF
- BR $1,500 adm - $50 EF - TD, SW, CBR, TR,
CGBKR $700 adm - $90 EF - Total $6,400. - 10
HQ INFO: Books Open Mon May 8 8am CST
Books Close Mon May 8 5pm CST
Phone: 337-427-6336
Permits and locals accepted-CES $8.00
Internet Entries: www.rodeosportsnetwork.com
same time as call-in
Henry Rifles awarded in BB SB BR events to
highest average score of contestant entered in
both Gates rodeos.
Buckles awarded in CR SW TR CBR CBA events to
fastest average time of contestant entered in
both Gates rodeos.